Ocean Relocation

Culture Shock

When you arrive, despite all your preparation, you will probably experience some feelings of anxiety and stress. You may feel homesick, friendless, alone, criticized, critical, exhausted, ill, angry, aggressive, and/or irritable.


First of all, recognize the feelings and changes, then try and deal with them by using some of the following methods: accept, adjust, endure; talk to anyone who will listen; relax; write to friends and family “at home”; join a craft, exercise, religious, or therapy group; seek support from others and share your feelings, struggles; be realistic; be positive; take care of yourself (food, exercise, rest); volunteer to help with children/elderly outside your home.


You will also have jet lag, which doesn’t contribute to your well-being. Not to worry, the jet lag goes away in a few days and there are some strategies you can employ to counteract the culture shock.


One way of minimizing the effect of your new surroundings on you is to keep active. Some folks recommend a regular program of physical activity. It is a fact that regular exercise reduces stress. And you should plan to put some fun in your life. Make sure that every week you are doing something you enjoy, and try to involve persons from your host country. Be positive and take the initiative and remember, a good sense of humor goes a long way to alleviating the stress.


In many ways, Israel appears to be very much like home (supermarkets, expressways, clothing, and appearance of many people, etc.), but beneath the veneer, lies a fascinating middle-eastern country and unique culture.


It may shock you, but if you get involved in life in your new country, you will thoroughly enjoy the experience.

Ocean Relocation is happy to provide additional information. To set an appointment to speak, please contact:

Daniel Drenger, Adv., GMS
Client Services & Partner Relations Executive

Sasha Avrahamov
Relocation Consultant

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