Temporary housing

The new home in the destination country is not always ready as soon as you arrive. In quite a few cases it will take a few days (and sometimes even over a month) until the new house is vacated and ready for your entry.

What to do? This hotel is not necessarily the most suitable solution. Certainly not for the family …

And what about a relocation for a short period of several months?

We at Ocean can find for you furnished apartments that are ready for immediate entry as temporary housing – these are houses or apartments designed for short rental periods – from a few days to several months.

This is how you will feel at home on the first day. In addition, you will enjoy regular maintenance and cleaning services.

We will take care of adapting the temporary housing to your specific needs.

Who is a temporary housing service suitable for?

✅ For those who move for a shorter period than a year who can not commit to renting an apartment

✅ For an interim period until the receipt of the permanent home

✅ For visitors who come for a short period

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